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Tuesday, July 22, 2014

A Sigh of RELIEF

I am so relieved and have felt such a huge burden lifted off my shoulders since Spencer got back home from North Dakota. I get so bummed when he's gone, it's much nicer having him close.
We accomplished SO much this past weekend and got completely moved into our new house! The weekend consisted of moving boxes, cleaning our apartment, sleeping at our new place for the FIRST time, putting food in our fridge, parking in our very own garage, installing the new front load washer and dryer, hanging things on the walls, finishing the nursery, trying to convince Winston it was safe to come out of his cage, and trying to convince baby boy it's okay to come out anytime now. We used an oven for the first time in like 6 months (apartment oven broke..) ate pizza & watched a movie. Perfect.
It's been so much fun putting the place together exactly how we want it. We went over to our apartment on Sunday to grab a few last things we left there and I started to cry as I walked through checking closets and drawers. It was so bittersweet to leave that place. We've had trouble with neighbors and have wanted to get out of there soo bad.. but at the same time we have so many memories there. The first two years of our marriage are in that little apartment, our first place together!
We discovered the baby car seat doesn't fit in my car. Like... at all..
Not sure why I didn't think to check it a few months ago- I assumed it would fit just fine, obviously. WRONG. so.. now we are in the process of looking for a car. Lovely.


We couldn't convince Winston to walk on the tile.. he HATES it. So as we were unpacking boxes Spencer broke them down and laid them out on the floor to make a pathway from his cage to the carpet in the living room. He slowly checked it out and hopped back and forth on the cardboard. We're going to leave it down forever.
Just kidding.
We've still got lots of updates. But for now, stuff is coming along just lovely.
We are so excited and have felt so lucky.


  1. Looks great so far, congrats on finally getting moved in!!!! And when is that little squirt of yours going to make an appearance!?!?

    1. ugh, i'm wondering the same thing! I've got 5 days left until my due date and I might cry myself a river if I go over-- patience is a virtue I apparently don't have haha

  2. Did you find a good deal on your front loading washer and dryer? I'm in the market. That's so great you're all settled before baby boy comes!

  3. I am so glad that things are comin along!!

  4. mia hated the wood floors to - hence my carpet installation last fall. carpet installed for!

    1. Winston LOVES carpet. And unfortunately, he loves it so much he likes to eat it too! So... for now the tile isn't such a bad thing. I just feel bad he's not comfortable. Poor little dude!


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